Veggies in Verges | Nature Strip and Footpath Gardening Research Workshop
Friday 15 Dec 2023 | 11am - 2pm
Hybrid event
UNSW Kensington, John Goodsell 102/103 & Microsoft Teams
Nature strip gardens can make our cities cooler and healthier. But how can councils and communities collaborate in creating greener streets?
Join Prof. David Sanderson and PhD candidate Kristina Ulm for a thought-provoking discussion on policy and practice of gardening our streets.
Agenda of the half-day workshop
Welcome and introduction
Presentation of preliminary results
Workshop discussion and Q&A

Refreshments will be provided. 
The workshop is part of the PhD research project.

Research Study Title: Verge gardens/ urban gardens in Australia and Germany
Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project about the role of public policy in the management of urban gardens in public spaces. The project explores verge gardens (gardens in the nature strip of the street, between the property boundary and the road) in Australia and urban gardening projects in public space in Germany.
By registering your participation in this event you confirm that you read the below information and give informed consent for recording the workshop for research purposes. Your information will be de-identified before data analysis and used anonymously.

The research study is looking to recruit people who meet the following criteria:
- interested in verge gardening/ urban gardening.
- 18 years of age or older

Participants meeting the following criteria will be excluded from the study:
- People who are not interested in verge gardening/ urban gardening
- Under the age of 18 years

Participants will be asked to complete the following research activities if they agree to participate:
Half-day Workshop: Participation at a half-day workshop, where preliminary findings from this study will be presented and an open discussion with all participants held. The workshop will be in hybrid mode, online and on Kensington UNSW Campus.

The workshop is treated like a group interview that will be audio and video recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded but you would like to participate, please advise the research team and arrangements will be made for you to participate “passively”, without being included in the audio and video recordings. Participants who do not want to be recorded can also choose not to attend or to leave the event at any time.  If you would like to review the transcript of the workshop prior to inclusion in any data analysis, please advise this to the research team in writing and arrangements will be made.

A full description of all research activities, including any risks, harms or discomforts that you may experience while participating in this research is included in the Participant Information Statement and Consent Form under this link here​​​​​​​

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